
Cloudera Training

Prism Technologies delivers Cloudera Training Mumbai Pune Bangalore & also in Chennai Hyderabad India. We also deliver Cloudera Training in Delhi Kolkata & also in Noida Gurgaon Goa Ahmedabad Nagpur Baroda Surat Rajkot Nasik Kochi Mysore etc..

Prism Technologies is a modern and also dynamic organisation offering Cloudera training to companies throughout India. We provide a unique blend of consultancy and also hands-on training providing you with the productive skills to improve your performance.

Prism is an corporate Cloudera training firm present in Mumbai, Pune & also in Chennai Bangalore. We have provided corporate Cloudera training across India in other locations as well including Hyderabad, New Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon Kolkata & Chennai as well.

We will not train you to use redundant features that are part of some academic curriculum; instead we will show you how to unleash the power that lies behind this super-suite of software.

What is Cloudera?

Cloudera was established in 2008 by some of the intelligent minds at Silicon Valley’s prominent companies, such as Google (Christophe Bisciglia), Oracle (Mike Olson), Yahoo! (Amr Awadallah )also Facebook (Jeff Hammerbacher). Each and every founder believed at their main belief that open source, and open markets and open standards are greatest. As a result of which Cloudera was originated.

Cloudera Training Course

Training in Cloudera Data Scientist

Cloudera Data Scientist Training course will help you learn about data science plus machine learning workflows at scale by utilizing Apache Spark 2 and other main components of the Hadoop ecosystem. This training course focuses mainly on the usage of data science along with machine learning methods in order to point out the real-world business challenges.

Training in Cloudera Data Analyst

In this Cloudera’s Apache Hadoop Training data analyst training course you will get to learn in detail about Apache Pig, Apache Impala (incubating) and Apache Hive. You will also learn how to apply business intelligence skills plus traditional data analytics to large data. Cloudera offers the tools data which the experts will require to access, transform, manipulate, and evaluate complex data sets by utilizing SQL along with familiar scripting languages.

Training in Cloudera Administration for Apache Hadoop

Through this Cloudera Administrator Training for Apache Hadoop course you will be able to gain the complete essential understanding required regarding every steps which are essential to operate plus maintain a Hadoop clusters by utilizing the Cloudera Manager. You will learn about installation and configuration via load balancing as well as tuning, Cloudera’s training course is one of the greatest training intended for overcoming the real-world obstacles faced by Hadoop administrators.

Training in Cloudera Developer for Apache Spark and Hadoop

This training course provides the expertise on all the important concepts which the developers require in order to build high-performance parallel application along with the help of Apache Spark 2. Clients will gain a thorough understanding on how to use Spark SQL in order to query structured data as well as Spark Streaming to execute real-time processing over streaming data through a diversity of sources. Developers will also learn to write applications which uses core Spark in order to implement ETL processing as well as iterative algorithms. This course also imparts knowledge on how to work with huge datasets which are kept in a distributed file system, and implement Spark applications over a Hadoop cluster. By the end of this course, clients will be well equipped to overcome real-world challenges and develop applications to perform faster decisions, interactive analysis as well as better decisions applied to extensive range of use cases, industries and architectures.

Training in Cloudera Search

Cloudera Search Training course will help to learn how to index data in Hadoop for new and more powerful real-time queries .You will also learn to incorporate Cloudera Search along with external applications.

Training in Cloudera for Apache HBase

Cloudera Training for Apache HBase course will help you to gain essential knowledge required to store as well as access enormous amounts of multi-structured data and execute hundreds of thousands of tasks per second.

Machine Learning Essentials Training

Through this course clients will gain a thorough understanding on the introduction to Machine Learning and also its basic fundamentals such as coverage of collaborative filtering, classification, clustering, data volume as well as algorithms.

Cloudera Training in Python

This training course will provide you the core knowledge that you will need in order to understand the crucial language concepts and programming tactics with the purpose of you concentrating over the subjects covered in Cloudera’s developer courses without also having to study a difficult programming language plus new programming paradigm together.

Cloudera Training in Scala

Scala is a programming language which is a superset of Java, combining both the object-oriented plus the functional programming models. This class puts emphasis mainly on the essentials which are required to program in Cloudera’s training courses.

Cloudera Training in Big Data Architecture

This training course helps you to understand the advanced big data architecture concepts such as data formats, real-time, transformation, batch and machine learning processing, fault tolerance, scalability, security plus privacy, reducing the risk of an faulty architecture as well as technology selection.

Kindly contact Hemant at 9892378825 for more details.

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MS Office Training

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Database Training

Project Management

Oracle Training

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Testing Training

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Six Sigma Training

Softskills Training

Voice & Accent

Foreign Language

Networking Training

Design & Innovation

Healthcare IT Training

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